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Name: Appears in entries:
Babcock, Stephen Moulton 0651
Bache, Alexander Dallas 0182, 0232, 0296, 0314, 0379, 0380, 0440
Baekeland, Leo H. 0868
Bailey, Liberty Hyde, Jr. 0617, 0806
Bailey, Solon Irving 0666
Baird, Spencer Fullerton 0345, 0441, 0612
Baldwin, James Mark 0696
Ballard, Harlan H. 0475
Bancroft, Wilder Dwight 0718
Barnard, Edward Emerson 0670
Baron, George 0048
Barringer, Daniel 0830
Barton, Benjamin Smith 0021, 0022, 0042, 0052, 0055
Bartram, William 0004, 0042
Bauer, Louis Agricola 0719, 0815
Beach, Alfred 0247
Beal, Foster E.L. 0546
Beaumont, William 0129
Bell, Alexander Graham 0493, 0568
Bellevue Hospital medical school (New York) 0519
Benedict, Francis Gano 0863
Berg, Ernst J. 0729
Berkshire Agricultural Society 0067
Bessey, Charles Edwin 0536, 0689
Bigelow, Jacob 0080, 0151
Billings, John Shaw 0525, 0533
Binney, William G. 0156
Biological Bulletin 0744
Bird Lore 0745
Blake, William P. 0294
Boas, Franz 0672, 0731
Boltwood, Bertram Borden 0811, 0860
Bonaparte, Charles Lucien 0133
Bond, George Phillips 0267, 0269, 0289, 0369
Bond, William Cranch 0201, 0267, 0289, 0290, 0357
Booth, James Curtis 0187
Boss, Lewis 0847
Boston Nutrition Laboratory 0863
Boston Society of Civil Engineers 0276
Boston Society of Natural History 0080, 0154, 0362
Botanical Gazette 0477
Botanical Society 0693, 0850
Botanical Society of America 0804, 0850
Bowditch, Henry Pickering 0444, 0454, 0588
Bowditch, Nathaniel 0036, 0059, 0061, 0147
Brace, DeWitt Bristol 0821
Brashear, John A. 0547
Brewster, William 0566
Briggs, Lyman James 0844
Britton, Elizabeth Knight 0662, 0733, 0790
Britton, Nathaniel Lord 0662
Brooklyn Bridge 0572
Brooks, Alfred Hulse 0645
Brooks, William Keith 0746
Brown, Amos Peaslee 0892
Brown, Samuel 0106
Bruce, Archibald 0069
Bumpus, Hermon Carey 0747
Burnham, Sherburne Wesley 0749
Burrill, Thomas J. 0507


Created and Maintained by Dr. Clark A. Elliott Waltham, MA
clark_elliott at verizon dot net / Content updated 16 June 2008
Technical presentation by Andrew J. Elliott.
